Wednesday, 6 January 2010

My Mission should I wish to accept it...

After many years of trying it my own way, without much success so far, I have decided to try it the American way. I bought a copy of "All The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right".
This book was first published in 1995 by two American women, Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, it quickly became the bible for any single woman in the United States and its followers became known as "Rules Girls". Neither of the co-writer had any experience in human behaviour or psychology when writing this book, they mainly took their inspiration from theirs and their friends experience on the matter. But according to their website the method has been hugely successful. Then again, it is there to promote the book and all of its sequels (The Rules of Marriage, The Rules of Dating Online...).
Closer to home, one of my friend bought the book a few years ago and decided to follow them to the letter. I was quick to dismiss that finding Mr Right should be the result of a tactical game and strongly felt that love was a passionate and spontaneous affair, not a war strategy. However that same year she met her Mr Right and 2 years later they were married.
So, here is where I am at: I am a single, 32 years old, and feel at this stage that surely I don't have much to loose by trying The Rules... or do I?
Well, this blog will allow you to follow my progress whilst I try to religiously obey to The Rules. I should be receiving the book in the next few days, start reading it and try to put the theory into practice. I will also be recruiting a few friends for moral support and maybe some tactical back up...
Let's the Rules begin!