Sunday, 14 March 2010

L'Amoureuse and the philosophe

I met with an old friend the other night. We have been friends for many years and he has always known how to cheer me up in my low times. He has also experienced much of what life has to offer in terms of experiences with the opposite sex, not always the type I would agree with, but that might be why I like to get his opinion on my dating habits.

I told him about this blog and the Rules, and like most of the men I mention it to (none of them dates!), he agreed with most of it and even admitted that most men are more attracted by the mysterious girls than those who give themselves up too quickly. They also need their space and need to feel that their partner does not rely on them for their happiness. So far, so good.

But then he made a point that none of the books made and that I feel is actually very important. When you choose the person you want to spend the rest of your life with you must ensure that you feel, not only chemistry, but also, as he describe it in his semi drunk state, a "umpf". I suppose it would translate into sex appeal. This feeling that you get when you see them that makes you want to grab them and have mad sex with them. Even if life is not all about sex, I think it is important that you feel that "umpf" for your partner. And so far I think I have only had felt that for one of my dates. Mr TDH.

My friend also told me the story of how he met this old London woman, many years ago, she had survive the war and the London aerial bombings. She also admitted to having "enjoyed" the American soldiers who were placed in the city. He asked her if and what she regretted in her life, her answer was "The thing that I wanted to do and didn't do".

So where does that leave me with the Rules? Should I forget about them when I feel like doing something else? Or should I just apply them in moderation and sometime follow my instincts?

Note here that so far in my life my instincts in love haven't really took me anywhere near true love! But what if whilst looking for Mr Right I satisfy some needs with Mr Right now?

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