Sunday, 25 April 2010


I am still amazed by the arrogance of some men, mainly it seems, French compatriots. May be there is some truth in the stereotype after all.
As I am chatting to this new guy Mr FrenchY (okay, I did break the Rules, again, and spoke to him on IM) he suggest we meet to watch a movie... tonight, as in just as we are chatting. Seriously? No. Really? Like now, now? But... I know, it's only a small detail... you haven't told me your name yet, or what you do...
Anyway, he asks for my number, I wait for him to ask twice and oblige. He calls in minutes. I wait a bit to answer. And he insists about going to the movie... still tonight. When I say I have things to do he suggest that I do them tomorrow. When I explain that even without that it would be a one hour and a half journey, he offers to send me one of his company cabs (does he work for a cab office???) and to drive me home after the movie.
Err... I think he may have me confused with a high class lady of the night...
I've left him to his Lalaland world for tonight and will see whether he will try to come up with a more decent offer later in the week...
I think that this may have been another bit of Rules-Karma...

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