Tuesday, 20 July 2010

L'Amoureuse... & Casanova?

Could L'Amoureuse start looking at the international dating scene?... Well, one of the website keeps getting me matches and "winks" from men in France, Switzerland, Algeria and even the USA despite my setting limiting my search to no more than 100 miles from home. I may have misread it, it must have been light years.
My friends also often like to tease me about the fact that quite a few of my ex-boyfriends could have been interested in a European passport. I dare them! It is not my fault if I have very exotic tastes.
Although I do have to admit that the "wink" from Algeria brought back my friends voice as a whispering conscience, a gentle reminder that internet dating is not all that safe, the pics my look nice but the person might not look, or just be, as nice.
Anyhow, enough with the moral.
Tonight I found myself chatting with a friend who has moved back to his home town in Italy, and somehow got invited to visit him... Could this be the beginning of something new or just the beginning of another over imaginative fairy tale story for which the ending might not be quite that happy? Good rule girls don't go and visit men, men come and visit them... But I have never visited Italy (2 work trips to Italy just don't count, I only got to see it through the window of a car). Maybe I should just use it as a good reason to visit Italy...
OMG! I'm sure I have read this exact scenario in The Rules!!!
Ok so no flirting with my amico Italiano!
Plenty of other international opportunities out there. More on that later.

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