Tuesday, 5 October 2010

L'Amoureuse back in full speed

After my date on Saturday I have managed to secure two more dates for the next two weeks.
Next date, tomorrow night with Mr TV. Despite quite a few message, no phone number requested, and therefore, as a good Rules Girl (and yes, I know this has become a rarity) I have not provided it. We have agreed where to meet and what time, I just have to hope I/he makes it in time. Back to old fashion style.
My next date is with Mr Snag. We had a one on one meeting, professional one, and as he had not yet asked when we should meet up, despite his brave text attempts, at the end of it I simply asked : "So, when did you want to catch up otherwise? I am busy Tuesday and Wednesday"
A smile immediately appeared on his face. "Er... How about next Wednesday?... Wait, let me just double check, I am notorious for double booking myself. Yes, next Wednesday."
"Ok, then"
"What time will you finish work?"
"6ish?" And that's how you confirm a date. Ok, may be not very Rules Girl or is it? I know from what I have been told that he has had a crush on me for months. Every time the poor man tried to talked to me in our kitchenette area at work I would make an escape to avoid the "date" subject, mainly because of the Gossip Queens (all of which are male by the way). I felt that, as he had asked me out, it was only fair for me to let him know when I was busy. Right?
And, because men are like buses, you wait for one for ages and then 3 arrive at once, I today received this text from one of my contractors:
"Hi LAmoureuse, you still need to let me know which bottle of Champagne I owe you. Mr Contractor x"
Now, I don't know about you, but when I send a text to one of my professional contact I don't usually finish it with "x"... The reason for the "Champagne I owe you" is that I did him and his client a big favour a couple of months back and as a joke pointed out that they owed me big time and that chocolate just wouldn't cut it, that my French origins were screaming for Champagne. Truth is, I make that same joke most days and I am lucky to even get a Christmas card from any of those guys. So this came as a bit of a... surprise? shock?
I have been thinking of an appropriate answer and googling it I found the following which might either confirm that it was a joke, or send me in front of a judge for corruption charges:
Dom Perignon Rose 1996 300cl, at a very cool £3,999 (just in case you don't believe me http://www.thewhiskyexchange.com/P-12334.aspx )
And if any of you feel generous, leave me a message and I will let you know where to send it to.

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