Tuesday 21 September 2010

Breaking the Rules

Today I was feeling a bit down. I felt cheated by Mr Smile kiss and wanted more.
I knew that he was short for time and so I wasn't rising my hopes too high. I struggled all morning at my desk trying to keep my mind busy with work and thankfully work complied. I had a long meeting followed by numerous phone calls with queries along the line of "why is the sky blue?". Around lunch time and after 3 or 4 attempt at creating the perfect "I'm so cool and not that bothered" text I finally send it.
"Hi, I hope you have made good progress on your packing. I was wondering if you would like to meet up tomorrow night?x"
About one hour later I got the following:
"Hey there. Progress is good but the room is still a tip though! I can't tomorrow :( I'd love to meet, but I really just don't have the hours. Friends have already organized my last two nights together with a gig night for tomorrow. We'll speak before I go though. Enjoy riding tonight. X"
And just like that a huge weight came off my shoulders. I knew that I would not have any regrets. I had had a kiss and I had asked if we could meet up. The answer may have been negative but I wouldn't have any what-if's hanging over my head. Tonight I will sleep soundly.
Good night All.

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